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West Palm Beach Bankruptcy & Business Attorneys > > Foreclosure in Florida > 99 Homes captures the true essence of Florida's foreclosure crisis

99 Homes captures the true essence of Florida's foreclosure crisis

Foreclosures became a prominent fixture in American society during the housing collapse of the previous decade, and no place endured more suffering than the Sunshine State. Many Florida families were removed from their homes with no notice, and were forced to seek refuge in motels and shelters across the state. 99 Homes, a new motion picture directed by Ramin Bahrani, captures the reality and heartbreak of the devastating foreclosure crisis.

99 Homes looks to be thrilling and heartfelt, and is largely based on actual events that took place when foreclosures ran rampant across the state of Florida. The film stars renowned actor Andrew Garfield, famous for his leading role in The Amazing Spider Man trilogy, as well as Michael Shannon and Laura Dern. Set around 2008, amidst Florida’s housing market collapse, Dennis Nash (played by Garfield) finds himself out of a job, and his family out of a home. The movie takes an interesting turn when Nash starts working for the very man who served his eviction notice, played by Shannon.

In order to properly prepare for their roles, Shannon and Garfield toured Florida to shadow brokers and residents who were directly affected by the foreclosure crisis. Here, they were able to hear firsthand accounts of the scams and violence that were largely undisclosed during the market’s collapse. First shown at the Sundance Film Festival this past January, 99 Homes can be seen in theaters around the country beginning in October.

Though the housing market in the Sunshine State has greatly improved, it still tops the entire nation in terms of number of homes in foreclosure. If you find yourself struggling with foreclosure, or are in danger of having your home foreclosed upon, you are certainly not alone. It is important to understand your options as soon as possible, and consulting an experienced foreclosure attorney in West Palm Beach is highly recommended. Kelley Kaplan & Eller invites you to make an initial appointment to start rectifying your situation today.

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